History of Kanagawa’s Sake Brewing

History of Kanagawa’s Sake Brewing

The Kanakawa Sake that is made from Japan's top 3 remarkable waters

Kanagawa's sake brewing can be divided into 3 areas. The first is【Tsukui Lake Area】that is located in northern part of the prefecture and the vicinity surrounding Sagami Lake and Tsukui Lake. The second is【Atsugi Area】that is located in the central part of the prefecture and is along the Sagami River. The third is 【Hakone Area】that is located in the western part of the prefecture and villages among Tanzawa Mountains.Brewing sake requires a huge amount of water. The water flowing from Tanzawa Mountains, Tohoku's Hakkoda Sugayu Onsen and Yoro Mountains are called the top 3 remarkable water of Japan. The brewery in Kanagawa use the subterranean water of Sagami River and Sakawa River, which are both coming from Tanazawa Mountains, to produce Sake. Therefore, the production of Sake is located along these two rivers.Among the Japan's 100 remarkable waters selected by the Japanese Ministry of Environment, there are many springs of Hadano Basin, such as Shasui Falls and Takizawa River in Yamakita, Kobo's Water, Imaizumi Spring, Soya Shrine and Haruiwao Water in Hadano. This shows the great quality of water from Tanzawa Mountains. Ships stopping at Yokohama and Yokosuka still replenish not only food, but also water nowadays. The reason behind is said that is not only the water's quality is good, but also its quality does not change during a long sea voyage that even crosses the equator.
Reference: Home page of Kanagawa Sake Brewers Association

Three Sake brewing regions in Kanagawa and their history

Hakone Area

Fresh air and water, Sake brewing made by the best post town of Tokaido

Since Hakone Area was prosperous as the No. 1 post town of Tokaido*1, it was an important transport hub and it gathered a lot of people. Many travelers and important people rested at inns and temples there. Therefore, there were many occasions of serving Sake and Hakone Area’s Sake brewing industry started thriving with Tokaido’s prosperity. Plus, in this area, there are fresh air from Hakone and subterranean water from Tanzawa. It has the right geographical condition for brewing Sake. Now, there are 6 breweries and they provide sake for many accommodations in Hakone, Atami and Oiso.

Tsukui Lake Area

The oldest brewery in Kanagawa that is connected with Edo

Shimizu Shuzo in Sagamihara started business in 1751. It is the oldest Sake brewing company in Kanagawa Prefecture. The vassals of Takeda clan moved to Hachioji from Koshu after the Takeda clan's fall. Then, they started brewing Sake after getting command from the Bakufu (central government) in 18th century. Moreover, Ozawa Shuzo in Tokyo Metropolis, another former Takeda vassal, also started brewing Sake in 18th century. These two breweries both have linkage with Hachioji in Tokyo Metropolis. They used to deliver Sake to the Bakufu through that route. You can tell there is a history of connections between these two breweries and Edo.

A favourable environment for Sake brewing

Stable and cool climate is favorable to Sake brewing. Tsukui Lake Area is located in a mountainous region in Kanto area, therefore, it is blessed with a cool climate. Furthermore, Tsukui’s moderately hard water flow out from several places. The spring water is sufficient throughout the year and is supporting the brewing industry in Tsukui Lake Area.

Atsugi Area

Sake brewing raised by rich sunlight, water and soil

The first brewery in Atsugi Area was Koganei Brewery founded by Koganei Denshiro. In the same area, Hashiba Yuhachi also made use of the agricultural advantage and founded Izumibashi Syuzo. This area in located in an alluvial plain that was formed by rivers like Sagami River that flow from Tanzawa Mountains. Arable land on this alluvial plain has raised agriculture and food culture in a lot of regions.Selling liquor in regional areas is the beginning of what is called “Kakuuchi” nowadays. It is the start of the history of casual drinking culture in Japan.

The right environment for Sake to mature

There is a Miyagase Dam in Kiyokawa Village and Aikawa Town near Atsugi. In the wall of the dam, many tunnels for checking are being placed. The temperature inside the tunnels is between 10℃ ~ 13℃. The temperature is low and stable throughout the year which is favorable to Sake’s maturation. Therefore, tunnels are being used as storage and maturing rooms.